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What is the THG quote (GHG quota)?
What is the THG quote (GHG quota)?
Karl Villanueva avatar
Written by Karl Villanueva
Updated over a week ago

The THG quote (Treibhausgas-Quote or Greenhouse Gas Quota) stands for greenhouse gas reduction quota or greenhouse gas ratio and is a government created measure to reduce harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The THG quote describes the proportion of sustainable fuels in relation to the total amount and is therefore expressed as a percentage. Through the THG quote, companies that bring a certain amount of fossil fuels into circulation are obliged to adhere to the required quota (in 2023, this will be around 8%).

It is just one of many measures to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

For some years now, oil companies have been obliged to offset their CO₂ emissions and to help finance the switch from fossil fuels to electro mobility. Since 2022, owners of electric cars can benefit from this by selling their own THG quote.

Instead of having all the paperwork yourself, you can simply sign up to Ostrom and we can handle this for you. Get up to 300€ back annually through your THG quote with Ostrom!

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