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Not sure about your meter or Zählernummer? Read more here.
Where can I find my electricity meter?
Where can I find my meter ID or meter number (Zählernummer)?The meter ID is the only important info you need to sign up.
Do I need a new electricity meter when I switch to Ostrom?
I added a wrong meter reading - how can I correct it?
What is a meter reading?
How do I submit my meter reading?
How can I set up a contract for an additional meter?
What should I do if my electricity meter is broken?
Who is responsible for meter readings? Someone knocked on my door and asked for my signature.
How often do I need to submit my meter reading?
I can't submit my meter reading. What should I do?
There's a meter reading that I don't recognize.
I received a letter asking for a meter reading. What should I do?
Who is my metering point operator?
Is my load profile meter (Lastgangzähler) compatible with the dynamic tariff?
Is my Discovergy meter compatible with the dynamic tariff?